Liat Segal – This Is Not a Typewriter

Liat Segal
This Is Not a Typewriter
Exhibition 2nd to 17th December 2016.
Visit upon apointment.
Closing event: 17th of December from 11am to 5pm
Israeli artist Liat Segal questions observation capacity at times of information overflow. During the exhibition a large painting machine creates a continuous calligraphic code from digital texts. The encrypted sequences are physically visualized as fuzzy-ordered stains on paper.
The title of the exhibition is drawn from the technical term “Not a typewriter” – an error code used by early days Unix operating systems to indicate an invalid input\output.
Unlike the algorithm, a human observer is likely to seek patterns and meanings within an “invalid input”, a representation or, in this case, a visual code. On the other hand, when skimming massive amounts of data and representations, how much of these inputs pass one’s attention filter to begin with?
“This Is Not a Typewriter” was created during Axel Springer Plug-N-Play artist in residence program, in collaboration with EIGEN + ART Lab, Berlin.
More about the artist: